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W e e k l y   F e a t u r e   P a g e
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The contents of the “Weekly Feature” page are provided to you for your entertainment, amusement, and perhaps information. Here you may find articles of interest, pictures, historical information on the Club, or whatever shuffles to the top of the pile on our desk. The only defined characteristic of this space is that we will make every effort to change/replace it around the middle of each week. Thank you for visiting, and please stop by again. Click on any photo to see it larger in a separate window.


Here at the MMOGTA Publishing Complex, we have often noted that Michigan, in a practical sense, has only 3 seasons, July, August, and Winter. With that theory as a guide, it follows that a wise resident will make his plans accordingly, to take the greatest advantage of the brief window of tolerable weather conditions. Given our familiarity with the careful research and due diligence that goes into all such proclamations that originate from this post, it may seem a bit capricious to actually follow our own advice, but there comes a time when you just have to take that leap of faith, so to speak.

With the company car loaded and fueled, intrepid staff members set off to evaluate the 2008 Michigan tourist and vacation industry, anxious to assess the impact of high gas prices on this critical facet of our economy. Like all of you, we wondered just where that threshold was, in dollars per gallon, that would finally put the brakes on summer travel plans. Did we pass it at $3, or was it noticeable at $4, or will it not show up until the $5 that they keep threatening us with? More to the point, we all wonder if or when it will affect our chosen hobby, with its voracious appetite for fossil fuels.

We find a couple of significant factors in play here. First, the very real, very present financial burden we all feel as a result of fuel prices having risen at an obviously disproportionate rate in the last couple of years. That’s real, we all feel it, and could not possibly have failed to notice. Second, there is the perceived crisis that the news media beats us over the head with at every opportunity. News channel “X” seems to need to make their version of the crisis even more dire than the one presented by news channel “Y”. Too much of that doomsday forecasting has a subtle effect on the national psyche, with the end result that the “perceived” level of hardship is even worse than the already serious “actual” crisis.

Putting all of our theories to the test, out where the rubber meets the road, the Weekly Feature staffers have actually stumbled upon a fuel management tool that completely negates the high cost of travel. Through extensive trial and error testing, it was determined that the entire dollar amount that you would have spent on fuel for a given trip can be recovered by employing one simple strategy……….. stay out of the Casinos. Problem solved !

We leave you with a few representative, typical tourist photos of a couple of our favorite Michigan destinations, which may help explain why the Weekly Feature page didn’t get changed last week. (click individual photos to enlarge)


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©2007-2008 Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association (MMOGTA). The contents of all materials available on this Internet site are copyrighted by Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association (MMOGTA) unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association (MMOGTA), and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in any form or by any means, except with the prior written permission of Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association (MMOGTA). Any unauthorized usage on newsgroups, or other internet sites, or unauthorized reproduction, printing or sales of these images is prohibited under existing Federal Copyright laws of the United States. We will actively prosecute those that duplicate, distribute or otherwise use our images without express written authorization or release. Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association (MMOGTA) maintains this website to enhance public access to information about its functions and policies in general. Our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them as soon as possible. Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association (MMOGTA), however, accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the material on this site.

This site designed and maintained by Eric Schuman