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The contents of the “Weekly Feature” page are provided to you for your entertainment, amusement, and perhaps information. Here you may find articles of interest, pictures, historical information on the Club, or whatever shuffles to the top of the pile on our desk. The only defined characteristic of this space is that we will make every effort to change/replace it around the middle of each week. Thank you for visiting, and please stop by again. 

FEBUARY 22, 2015

February…..Worst. Episode. Everrr

Without fail, the weather starts to get to me this time of the year.

I drag out the sweatshirts, long-johns, gloves, and all of that around the first of November. You know it’s coming, this ain’t your first rodeo, it doesn’t make you happy, but you know it’s coming. Still, it seems pretty much appropriate for November. You have deer season to look forward to, Thanksgiving creates a warm feeling just thinking about it, and after all, you did get to enjoy May through October. It’s almost like you feel a little guilty about that, and maybe it’s time to pay the fiddler. So you square your shoulders, strap on your Carhartts, and step out into the winter. Of course, you still have Christmas, that holiday feeling, and all those pretty blue LED lights to distract you from the gradual lowering of the temperature in your extremities. So you trudge merrily along, putting the cold out of your consciousness, in much the same manner as you deal with any practical concerns about the growing balance on your credit card statement. We all have that human defense mechanism that allows us to postpone the scary, unpleasant stuff, while enabling us to still function in the present. “We’ll worry about that next month”, rolls off the tongue a little more smoothly with each repetition.

And so it goes, the month of January is a little bit like a hangover. The discarded tinsel and brittle pine needles, the vague feeling of dread, a little remorse for the wanton excess of the month before, all feel a bit like the circumstances that might have set the stage for a Sunday morning resolution in your younger years. But, hey, it’s January, whatever else life may deal you, you already expected it to be the coldest month, so you accept that. Again, didn’t say you liked it, but you accepted it.

Then one day you realize that it’s February ! You had faced down the specter of January, and you are still standing. Almost a little proud of yourself, maybe, as you blithely flip to the new page on the calendar. February ! There’s Groundhog Day, and maybe now you notice that there is still a little residual daylight as you saw off the end piece of the meatloaf and sit down for supper. In the back of your mind, you remember that somewhere around February 4th or 5th, the average daily high temperature begins to creep up by a degree or so. It’s kinda’ like the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel, that ray of hope that you desperately cling to when the going gets tough. Hope; it’s not as rigid or defined as faith, but it can still get you through the night when February comes around. You’ve been there in the past, you’ve seen snow melt in February, you’ve stepped out to feed the dog with just a sweatshirt on. You’ve seen the cocky middle-school kids running down the sidewalk in T-Shirts in February. You know it can happen.

Then, one year it doesn’t. This year. You’re already into the last week of February, and every damn snowflake that fell into your yard all winter is still there. Every day, you look only at the final day of the 7 day forecast, hoping to see a high temp prediction that exceeds today’s high. Instead, you’re faced with a perpetual downward spiral. And not just down, it’s re-writing-the-record-books down. Off the charts down. What the hell is this ?? All my hope, and no change ! Thanks, Obama. (this refers to the pop-culture catch phrase Obama, not the POTUS, it just seemed to fit so well here when I needed a metaphorical scapegoat) I already have plenty of weather related horror stories to bore my grandkids with, I don’t need any new material.

March, maybe March. If I can reset my seasonal mental health schedule one month forward and just pick up from there, maybe I’ll be all right. There’s my birthday, and St Paddy’s Day is always fun. I could slip the studded tennis balls on the back skids of my walker and find the nearest bar with a shamrock on the sign. Or, I could visit my friendly local herbalist and maybe sit in front of one of those big, bright lights for a while. He says they provide heat, too. He always seems warm and happy, so maybe he’s right. 7 more days until March…. I can do it. Then everything will be better.


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