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The contents of the “Weekly Feature” page are provided to you for your entertainment, amusement, and perhaps information. Here you may find articles of interest, pictures, historical information on the Club, or whatever shuffles to the top of the pile on our desk. The only defined characteristic of this space is that we will make every effort to change/replace it around the middle of each week. Thank you for visiting, and please stop by again. Click on any photo to see it larger in a separate window.


It is just no wonder people don’t know what to think. Every night, you come home, straddle the chair, load up your plate, and there, just beyond the meatloaf and mashed potatoes, the nightly news anchor is listing all the plants that closed that day, tolling the bells for another failed bank, or chronicling the big sell-off on Wall Street. You can almost bet that the first half of the news will be devoted to the seemingly unprecedented chaos in our economy. The new president has marshaled all his supporters on the hill and hammered out a “stimulus” bill, in hopes of getting the economic train back on the tracks. I’m not sure. For instance, “Ex-Lax” is a well known “stimulant” too, but that whole story usually ends up with the phrase, “down the drain”. Give a hyper active 6 year old another bowl of sugar, and you’re gonna light him up real bright for a while, then he ends up face down in his mac and cheese around supper time. Maybe more confidence would be inspired by a “Stability” package. That’s what seems to be missing. A giant cash infusion, followed by the realization that it was our “giant cash” in the first place, just seems to add a little more volatility to an already twitchy, jumpy, panic-stricken system. Again, not sure.

Equally troubling to some of us out here in the Heartland, is the fact that many of those hoping to address the problem seem to have chosen the arbitrary cutoff level between the haves and the have-nots at somewhere around the $250K per annum level. We often hear that figure bandied about as sort of a threshold, implying that anyone earning less than that was in a precarious position. Well, color me bright “precarious”, buddy. Maybe it’s just me, but I’d like to think the problems appear a lot closer to the ground than that. Perhaps the yardsticks by which our duly elected representatives measure their constituents has become a bit warped by prolonged immersion in that endless stream of liquid assets that we annually pump in their direction. And I don’t think that basic disconnect is limited to elected types either. For example, in the earlier stages of this crisis, the 3 corporate CEO’s flew their tin cups to Washington onboard their luxury private jets. It wasn’t just a small PR mis-calculation, it didn’t even occur to them how incongruous that might look to the “little people” out there. Our government bails out faltering financial giants (you know, the type that will reach across their mahogany desk and push that “Release the Hounds” button if you are 12 hrs. late with a payment to them) who then think, “Thank God, now we can reward our greedy, inept, CEO with that $5M bonus he so richly deserves.” And they do it! And he takes it!! The disconnect is that complete. Apply that scenario to your life/job/career. Suppose you decide you can enhance your bottom line by leaving that gasket out of the fuel supply line on every unit that goes down your assembly line. Then one day a whole parking lot full of grocery-getters bursts into flame in front of the local beauty parlor. Are you really going to be expecting a fat bonus, come December?? Not so sure about that either.

As always, no solutions available here, clearly those are only generated well above our pay grade. Just leaves us with the lingering question, exactly whose problems are getting solved here? Just remember, as you struggle along on your hands and knees, there on the bottom of the food chain, try to be forgiving of those whose bootprints you feel on your back. They don’t even know you’re down there.

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This site designed and maintained by Eric Schuman