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aannd, ACTION!!

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The contents of the “Weekly Feature” page are provided to you for your entertainment, amusement, and perhaps information. Here you may find articles of interest, pictures, historical information on the Club, or whatever shuffles to the top of the pile on our desk. The only defined characteristic of this space is that we will make every effort to change/replace it around the middle of each week. Thank you for visiting, and please stop by again. Click on any photo to see it larger in a separate window.


Member Profile

A year ago, when the “Weekly Feature” page was begun, this was one of the ideas that I thought would be fun, informative, and worth-while. When I finally got around to doing it, my prediction was confirmed. This is the first attempt at profiling one of our members, but hopefully not the last. Given the particulars, I think most will agree this was a logical place to start. The only flaw in my logic is the fact almost everyone in the club already knows the subject, but maybe we can fill out his resume’ with a few more details.

A little background to start, Founding Member Walt Ritenburg was born Feb. 7th, 1934, just about a half mile from where he now resides, just across the corner from our showgrounds. At only 3 pounds and a few ounces, his incubator was a cigar box on top of Grandma’s heat register, he was told. Walt grew up, like many of us, as a farm boy, and never really got that out of his system. He attended the Koyne School on the Ridge Rd. in his boyhood days, and when the time was right, he married Ann Herbers, in 1954, and we congratulate them on more than 50 years together.

Whatever early plans they may have made were soon to be interrupted, however, when in 1955 Walt’s services were requested by Uncle Sam. Actually, in those days, the word “request” was pronounced “draft”. Life happens, as they say, and so it was off to Great Lakes Naval Base for basic training, and then on to San Diego CA, where he spent most of his duty. The Navy Brass had a good eye for occupational specialties, so they did the natural thing and handed Walt a wrench. His official duty was as an engine and diesel mechanic, no surprise there, but the interesting part is that almost all of his time was spent in the service and repair of submarines. While submarines are seldom spotted in Brady Twp., the skills and knowledge gained in the USN complemented Walt’s natural gifts and together they have served him well over the ensuing 50 years.

In September of 1957, Walt returned home to resume his life with Ann, shook the California beach sand from his boots, and stuck them, once and for all, back in the Brady Township clay. He resumed his job at Universal Electric in Owosso and they began the business of raising a family of 5 daughters and farming all at the same time. In 1963 he purchased the farm where he has lived and continues to live. The property at that time included all of the open land we now know and use as our Showgrounds. The additional wooded acreage came to us with the 1991 purchase of the Myra Devereaux property.

In 1971, after a total of 14 years with the company in Owosso, Walt hired in to what was then Saginaw Steering Gear in Saginaw, where he continued to work until retiring in 1991.

In 1974, with 5 other friends and neighbors, Walt became one of the Founding members of the Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association. After the first couple of shows, when it became clear that the club would outgrow the original 6 acres or so that were used at the Lawrence Haak farm, Walt decided to lease a part of his farm to us for our annual August show. The growth continued and as the organization prospered, he agreed to sell us, first one 20 acre parcel, and some years later the second (east) 20 acres were added. In addition, today we lease a few acres from Walt on the east side of Brennan Rd. that is used for trailer parking during the show.

In all of that time, there is probably no more familiar face to be associated with the MMOGTA than Walt’s. He has served as a founding member, has held all the major Board positions for one or more terms, been our landlord and benefactor, and one of our most tireless workers and promoters. To this day, during the active season, he is seen daily on the showgrounds, inspecting, checking, mowing, repairing, maintaining equipment, and making sure all is well. Simply stated, if we had paid him for all the hours he has put in on our behalf, the club would be broke, and Walt would be wealthy.

Of course it wasn’t all work, since our organization has a fun-loving reputation, that has always been one of the main attractions for Walt as well as the rest of us. He has long enjoyed the participation aspects and is still always out there with one of his favorite John Deeres when it’s time for a tractor pull. It is well known that the long green line is his chosen brand, but in the 23 or so tractors he now owns, many other brands are represented as well. But, after 34 years, we all have come to recognize that the club is much more than just the hardware, the property, and the events, it’s about the long term friendships and associations that we have all developed over that time. Walt readily acknowledges that, looking back, his connection with the MMOGTA has been a source of great pride and gratification for him.

Today, Walt is just a few days shy of his 74th birthday, and when I went to visit him and Ann to glean a little info for this article, they were both out in the garage (shop), the heat was on, Walt’s pipe was lit, he still had the wrench in his hand, grease from knees to elbows, and a John Deere A torn down to the frame in the corner. 74 years, several careers, 5 kids, 18 grandkids, 13 great-grandkids later, and he’s still able to be Walt. I like the timeless consistency of that! (click photos below to enlarge)





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