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2007 pages




















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The contents of the “Weekly Feature” page are provided to you for your entertainment, amusement, and perhaps information. Here you may find articles of interest, pictures, historical information on the Club, or whatever shuffles to the top of the pile on our desk. The only defined characteristic of this space is that we will make every effort to change/replace it around the middle of each week. Thank you for visiting, and please stop by again. Click on any photo to see it larger in a separate window.

The Party’s Over

It’s all history now, but such an event could hardly be ignored. Bill’s 50th birthday and the big consignment sale, all on the same weekend made for some classic MMOGTA entertainment. In retrospect, perhaps a day or two buffer zone between the two events might have allowed for a little more gentle transition, but we’ll worry about that when he hits 60 or so.

A large crowd gathered on the night of Friday 13th to help the big Finn over that hump and into his second half-century. We really did wish him well, even though a casual onlooker might have thought we were just there for the food, beer and Polka music. The “Weekly Feature” staff had been given strict orders to use discretion with the camera, in the interest of maintaining some sense of decorum. A second camera crew attempted to slip into the pavilion but were ushered out with their unraveled film dragging behind them. Paparazzi, I guess, but the logo on their truck said something about AARP and the “Seniors Behaving Badly” tour. I wouldn’t know what that might involve. At any rate, we were there to capture an image or two to commemorate the occasion, so we did just that. (you’ll find them below, along with a few from the auction)

I swear the last wheeze of the accordion was still echoing through the woods when the sun broke above the horizon, signaling the start of a new day. It had barely begun to warm the grey wood on the east side of the kitchen when the biscuits and gravy began to flow, and rumors of strawberry shortcake began to circulate. Auction day was under way.

The weather was textbook perfect for an auction, the crowd was decent, and the line-up of tractors for sale included a little something for just about everyone. At 9:30AM the terms of the sale were given and it was on. The items afield were sold first, a brief break was called around noon (see earlier reference to strawberry shortcake) and the tractor lineup was called into the barn at around 1:00PM. Shaded bleachers and a gentle breeze comforted the winning and losing bidders alike, as the selling units were driven through the long barn. The speakers buzzed with auctioneer Don King’s trademark monotone, while the calls of the ring men acknowledged the bids. The gavel punctuated the end of each sale while bidders and lookers alike enjoyed the spectacle.

We thank all who participated in these events, and we leave you a few photos in case you missed the fun. (Click individual photos to enlarge)


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©2007-2008 Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association (MMOGTA). The contents of all materials available on this Internet site are copyrighted by Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association (MMOGTA) unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association (MMOGTA), and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in any form or by any means, except with the prior written permission of Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association (MMOGTA). Any unauthorized usage on newsgroups, or other internet sites, or unauthorized reproduction, printing or sales of these images is prohibited under existing Federal Copyright laws of the United States. We will actively prosecute those that duplicate, distribute or otherwise use our images without express written authorization or release. Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association (MMOGTA) maintains this website to enhance public access to information about its functions and policies in general. Our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them as soon as possible. Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association (MMOGTA), however, accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the material on this site.

This site designed and maintained by Eric Schuman